Posts Tagged ‘Wildfire’

White Walkers and Dragonglass on Weapons of Westeros

In the time before the First Men came to Westeros the indigenous population called, The Children of the Forest used to gather Dragonglass and fashion small daggers to protect themselves from their natural enemy, The Others, also known as White Walkers… The material seems to be the only thing that can defeat a Walker, rendering more »

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The Wildlings on Weapons of Westeros

Wildling is the collective term used by inhabitants south of the wall to identify the self proclaimed Free Folk. There are possibly hundreds of thousands of Wildlings north of the wall split into hundreds of cultures and tribes. When Mance brought the tribes together the Free Folk had to find a balance of power amongst more »

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The Unsullied on Weapons of Westeros

Unsullied are eunuch slave soldiers, who, when freed by Daenerys, then enlist as free men into her army and join her campaign to regain the Iron Throne. These men were trained from the age of 5 to possess unquestioning obedience and martial prowess unmatched by any neighboring city state. With every meal they consume an more »

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Jamie Lannister’s Oathkeeper on Weapons of Westeros

When Tywin Lannister had Ice, the ancestral Ice of House Stark, melted down, two new swords were created, the first, Widow’s Wail, was presented to the brief King of the nine kingdoms, Joffre, the 2nd was handed… to Jamie Lannister as a welcome home gift. Feeling that he was being mocked for his newly earned more »

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Jon Snow’s Longclaw on Weapons of Westeros

This week’s weapon is Jon Snow’s Longclaw. For 500 years the Mormonts of Bear Island have carried their ancestral sword Longclaw into battle. Jeor Mormont took the black and became the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch so that his son Jorah could rule. But when Jorah was found guilty of slave trading, to pay more »

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