Chris Pine is Steve Trevor- Update
Chris Pine has officially accepted the role of Steve Trevor in the upcoming Wonder Woman film from DC Entertainment and Warner Bros Studios. Who will be Green Lantern?
Read MoreIliza Sings Caga Tió (Poop Log) Song
Read MoreMoammar Gaddafi: Dazed and Excused
Gaddafi looks gross dead! Iliza and Alexis are back and they are taking a closer look at the pictures released of Gaddafi’s death. Sqeemish beware. One million moms hate Schweddy Balls! A group of moms in Mississippi protest markets from carrying Ben & Jerry’s newest ice cream flavor. Iliza wants a Rhyme Cube and Alexis more »
Read MoreBuy Me Milk, Woman
Iliza Shlesinger gives you the hard hitting facts that hold you after. The Weakly News. Season 3. Episode 4. Co-Host Alexis Archer. Director Brian Gramo. Original live broadcast on February 1, 2011 on Special Guest J. Chris Newberg. THIS WEEK: Egypt loses it’s shit; Egyptologists; Salmon Idaho, Chinese air force drill looks awfully similar more »
Read MoreTequila Hair
Iliza tries out new hair. Someone loses their hand and tequila plays a major part in tonight’s negotiations. TheStream.Tv Keep up with all the excitement by liking us on Facebook: Follow our current Twitter feeds by joining us at:
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