TONIGHT: Antonio Sabato Jr. from “My Antonio”, 8PM PST, TheStream.TV
This Sunday following, the hit reality show My Antonio will broadcast its finale. Why are we telling you this? Because we’ve got the show’s namesake star, Antonio Sabato Jr., as our guest TONIGHT and we just have to brag about it. We’ll try all sorts of subterfuge and cajoling to get him to reveal his final choice of mate on the show (NOTE: multi-million dollar bribery from the LFTF Swiss bank account and promises to sign Antonio to the lead role in the upcoming John Fulton biopic have failed to dislodge the secret. Any better suggestions will be gratefully received).
Whether we find out or not, we’ll sure have a lot of fun trying. Along the way, Stu, returning to the hosting desk after a one-week absence will have the usual hijinks and fun, and will even challenge Antonio to a push-up contest. Uh, good luck on that one, Stu. Also live and loving it will be the Fulron and Jessie Schneiderman, who strenuously (and almost believably) denies trying out for both My Antonio and that new reality show with Lorenzo Lamas and his kids.
Don’t forget, circus fans, our Antonio show is on a special night – FRIDAY (October 23).
Got questions for Mr. Sabato Jr.? – POST ‘EM HERE
Take a look at our Antonio pre-show announcement on the VH1 Forum
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