Posts Tagged ‘westallen’

The Flash Season 3 Episode 14 “Attack on Central City” After Show

Grodd and his army bring their battle to Earth-1, which the team must find a way to stop. Watch the Flash After Show below! “SUBSCRIBE TO THESTREAM.TV… LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW US ON TWITTER”

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The Flash Season 3 Episode 12 “Untouchable”

In The Flash Season 3 Episode 12 “Untouchable,” Barry and the team at S.T.A.R. Labs work together to bring down Clive Yorkin, a criminal meta-human who is methodically killing people by causing them to decompose at an accelerated rate.

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The Flash Season 3 Episode 17 “Duet” After Show!

On this episode of The Flash (Season 3 Episode 17 “Duet”), Barry (Grant Gustin) and team are surprised when Mon-El (guest star Chris Wood) and Hank Henshaw (guest star David Harewood) arrive on their Earth carrying a comatose Supergirl (guest star Melissa Benoist) who was whammied by the Music Meister (guest star Darren Criss). Unable to more »

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