Michael Sorvino & Caroline Barba
Guests: Michael Sorvino & Caroline Barba
Project: Blur (Psychological Thriller)
* DVD hitting store shelves April 17th 2007
Tonight was cool as it was the first time I knew the guest prior to the show. I met Michael Sorvino through a mutual good friend, a very talented actor himself, Jack Maxwell. Michael was a producer and an actor in ‘Blur’ and talked about both roles on the show. The lovely Caroline Barba, who played Michael’s wife in the movie also joined us. In addition to her experiences on ‘Blur’, she also briefly talked about an episode of CSI she was on, a Spanish soap opera, and the size of her foot (don’t ask).
Michael did talk about having a famous sister and father in the business and offered up a piece of advice they have shared with him.
One point that came up with both Michael and Caroline was the fact that they had a casting director on the project, Mark Tillman. Mark has over forty casting credits in TV & Film. On one or more of the shows I mention the importance of not underestimating any facet of the filmmaking process. I think casting is an example of one of them as many indie filmmakers cast themselves without even looking into the possibility of bringing on a casting director. Sometimes there may be no money for it but you never know, if a casting director believes in your script enough you could get them to work on it, or if not a full casting director, maybe a casting associate or even a casting assistant may have enough experience to help you cast your film. Remember you want the best you can possibly get at each position of your project. Just like it is inadvisable to rush the script, so to is it inadvisable to rush the casting process. See who is out there. During the interview Caroline gives good voice to the actor’s perspective on the benefits of a casting director.
For more information on the movie Blur go to www.blurthemovie.com.
*You can rent the movie at Newtfilx through the link below. It is also available at Blockbuster, and for sale at Target, Best Buy, Circuit City and through the Amazon.com link below.
Thanks for tuning in!
Jeff Schubert
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