Big Brother After Show Blog

Amy is a MINX!

Turns out Amy is quite the minx! Since breaking up with Sheldon, it was revealed that she has already been on THREE dates with THREE different men. Woah Amy! Where did this come from? A hilarious focus of this week’s episode was the use of a dating app similar to Tinder. Bernadette mentions to Penny more »

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James Didn’t Stick To His Word

Ok  guys… I want to know your opinion on this. The HOH challenge was each player had to stand on a plank that kept tilting and the houseguests were gets sprayed with water, hit with birds and pelted with bird poop. The final three that were standing up there were James, Shelli and Johnny Mac. more »

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Just a couple of thoughts on Aug 2 Sun BB Episode

Sunday nights episode started with the a super terrible endurance competition, They are all on a “wall” holding on with cold water raining on them, stuffed bald eagles punching them, “bird poop” splatting them, DEF NOT an easy comp! Some how James pulls this off….NOT looking good for Shelay/Clelli   I love that Julia just more »

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The Whack Street BOYS are awesome and Audrey Loses it!

Wednesday night episodes are usually my favorite but tonight it was just so sad…and very little fun… 🙁 Well Audrey is up to her old ways and running her mouth for no real purpose and is driving the house crazy. Specifically against Shelli and Clay who are in’s like she’s smart and then why more »

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Rumors of Audrey Self Evicting **Spoiler Alert**

The feeds are spicing up! Two nights ago, all the houseguests met in the HoH room while Audrey was in Diary Room. The houseguests exposed Audrey’s lies and some alliances after they  had a fun night  with ice cream. Audrey wasn’t out of DR for 4hrs or so. Rumors of Self-Evicting ran wild around the more »

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