Posts Tagged ‘Stuart Paap’

#119: These Boobs Were Made for Talking

Head boob, Geoff Trail, hosts Kris Lezetc (not a boob), and her two-boobs (yes, those), on a hilarious jaunt of interactive comedy; featuring John Fulton’s musical stylings, and all-new Strictly Platonic, underage viewers, and brand new segment: WTF!

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#118: John, Paul and Ringo?

John Fulton, lead singer of myspace band ‘The Fresh’ plays ‘Two Buck Chuck’ live (with a few f-bombs in there kids), while Paul Malewitz, comedian, auteur and raconteur, represents big time for D-Town. Also featuring a failed attempt at reaching Michael J. Fox, a new installment of Strictly Platonic, and brand new segment: ‘Just plain more »

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#117: Keep Talking Stu

Jayson Cross, Laura Rosenberg, Alan Flowers. If this show were a bag of nuts, it would be the mixed holiday assortment… some delicious and some rancid. Regardless, it’s a “fun romp” says the Sacramento Bee, as Playgirl’s own Jayson Cross, Sac-Down, the Bay Area and back down’s Laura Rosenberg and “The Best Damn Sport’s show more »

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#116: I am a Transgender Serial Killer

Shannon Gettins, comedienne, writer, punch-up artist, and overall foxy lady, takes the seat to see what it’s like to be me, while in the second half of the show, Chris Z., Florida’s finest non-serial-killer-comedian enlightens the audience on the marketability of an f-cellar. Yep, an f-cellar. Check out strictly platonic at minute 30!

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#115: Friends Without Benefits

Avant-garde auteur/comedy-phile Ari David spills his special brand of karma sauce all over the second half-hour of the show while Greg “Whitey McWhiterson” Gately, an actual employee of BET, tells how he performed comedy for the first time in front of an all-black crowd for the first 20 minutes! Watch, learn, and check out the more »

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#114: Comics Gone Kinda-Sorta Wild

Watch the best episode yet as I mentally joust the partially nude Patrick Keane, openly man-flirt with the blog-tastic upbeat pessimist, Specer Dobson, Find the first actual “Strictly Platonic” auteur, and a groundbreaker: We get our first viewer from Finland! Screw Russia!!! Check out Stone Fox at minute: 13:15!

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#113: I’m Back!

Geoff Trail makes his valiant return in the first show in our new studio! See if you can spot the unfinished set, the enormous height difference between my guests and I, and the “stoner chair.” Guests include Brian Swinehart (B-Swine!), Rob English (R.E.) and a special guest appearance from Fire and Ice! Watch “Strictly Platonic” more »

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#112: Guest Host or Ghost Hest?

Special guest host Tom Clark hosts his friend, comedian Matt Braunger. Watch as Tom butchers my baby with his said “friend” as they ride out the last show at the “apartment”. Highlights include when I call in at 30 minutes and bore everyone to death, and Tom discussing the benefits of punching someone as they more »

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