Posts Tagged ‘ninja’

The Sandbox Recap – Call of Duty Part 1

Between all of the mega hyped, big-budget game releases slated for fall release on the major consoles (Playstation 4 and Xbox One) prior to the holiday rush, one franchise always brings with it an army of devout fans: Call of Duty. Some love the franchise while others hate it. Then there’s some gamers who hate more »

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Ask a Ninja Slices Some Fruit and Catherine Review

Tweet Like A Ninja! This week the team welcomed Ask A Ninja’s Douglas Sarine to the green square to share his thoughts on Fruit Ninja Kinect. COMBO, news you might have missed, focused on the week’s news: topics included details about the Assassin’s Creed: Revelations beta, Borderlands 2 announcement, Kingdom Hearts HD rumors, Duke more »

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Alison Haislip Blooper Dance Party!!!

Sometimes things get a bit crazy during a live show, on the last episode, the team decided to take a mid show dance break when we were having audio interference on the wireless mics. So how does the gang kill the time? They dance!!! Here’s what you missed on the live show. Originally aired July more »

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Talking Babies, Jealous Playboy Playmates

Guess who’s back! The Real Cool Club with Ethan Newberry and Lindsay Harbert is back on! This marks the first episode in the brand new HD broadcast studio and the first episode with new Chat Hole host, Scott Moore (G4TV). Appearances by former Chat Hole hosts Parker Quinn and Jimmy Callahan. We talk about more »

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