Posts Tagged ‘BB John’

Rumors of Audrey Self Evicting **Spoiler Alert**

The feeds are spicing up! Two nights ago, all the houseguests met in the HoH room while Audrey was in Diary Room. The houseguests exposed Audrey’s lies and some alliances after they  had a fun night  with ice cream. Audrey wasn’t out of DR for 4hrs or so. Rumors of Self-Evicting ran wild around the more »

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Thoughts about Big Brother Week 3

I love the #Gronk party week! The foam comp was fun, the party torture that the houseguest first enjoyed and then didn’t as they became too much for them…the fact that Rob Gronkowski likes #WINNERS! And that Meg won the cup with the Gronk Party Ship cruise which I might even go on…? As far as more »

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