Posts Tagged ‘3DO’

Ask A Nerd – Worst game you’ve ever worked on?

GGTV viewer Wooster asks the panel a question that gets them riled up – what’s the WORST game you’ve ever worked on? Darion shares a horror story about being a QA tester on a Driver’s Education game – which is just as bad as it sounds. RH politically skips the question, not wanting to anger more »

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Our panel of game developers select their picks for App/Game of the week in this episode of 1 Up. Darion goes for some classic Tower Defense in the Bruce Campbell infused Army of Darkness from Backflip Studios, while Rachel picks Fatal Frame, a classic horror game brought back to life on PSN. Ben surprisingly goes more »

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Ask A Nerd Bonus Round

Ever wish you could ask a game industry professional anything? Now’s your chance – Game Guy TV host Darion and his panel of experts answer YOUR questions! Here we cover tips on how to be a games designer, a question about Table Tennis made at Grand Theft Auto creator Rockstar Games, and the best puzzle more »

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/Whois BONUS: Jeff Junio

Darion sits down with Jeff Junio, game designer from Sega and Zinga. On GameGuy TV, Host Darion Lowenstein sits down each week with his panel of industry experts and professionals to discuss the hottest topics in the world of gaming, apps, and technology. We talk to you, the fans, in our Ask A Nerd segment more »

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