Comics vs. Show The Walking Dead Premier


Hey guys! I’m beyond excited that The Walking Dead is back! Season 6! Woo woo! And while watching the premier tonight (on the edge of my seat mind you), I couldn’t help but wonder how true to the comics the show is going to stay this season.  Now as most of my comic book fans know the show has veered off in some ways (some good, some bad, some intriguing) and during tonight’s episode I was pleasantly surprised that it was a mix of both the comics and the originality of the show. In terms of comics vs. show:

  • Heath is now part of the cast. (Let’s see for how long). I wonder if they will introduce his love interest as well.
  • The attempt at luring the walkers away from Alexandria looks like it will fail. No surprise for my fellow comic book readers there because we know who is probably behind the horn as well as what will happen with this zombie hoard going toward Alexandria.
  • And there was a bit of foreshadowing in terms of Jessie with the gun because  you know that Jessie having a gun at the wrong time may lead to something disastrous.  Oh the suspense!

That’s all I will say for now Walking Dead fans. I’m excited to see this season unfold and to see which part of the comic books they will stick to. Be sure to tweet me your thoughts @iamtimothymike and watch #TWDAS show here  The Walking Dead After Show and subscribe to

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