Totally Gears

Totally Gears :
Last week on The Game Show we were joined by special guest Jeff Cannata from The Totally Rad Show as well as Alison Haislip . Totally Gears is up and ready to watch on or through subscribing to us on iTunes . The show was dedicated to all things Gears of War2. Jim was home sick this episode so Jeff took over the orange square. We all discussed the mechanics of the game, campaign mode, multiplayer, and everyone’s new favorite: Horde Mode. Jeff Cannata explains which is better, Resistance or Gears of War 2 as well as the philosophical questions of why there are so many “anti-nerd” qualities in video games. Does Gears of War 2 live up to the hype? Jeff and Alison discuss the simple pleasure of exploding people’s pants in Fallout3 as well. This week’s Top 7 is the Top 7 quotes from Gears of War 2.

Make sure to check the archives for any shows you may have missed.