The PC Decline

Jim delved into the state of PC gaming, and whether it’s as in as big of a decline as has been recently reported. He noted that PC games had a 6% decline in sales last year and that PCs present challenges – hardware and software requirements especially. Equipment (video cards, etc) are not cheap. We all agreed that certain things don’t seem to work on consoles however, like MMOs and RTSs. Nikole presented a Top 7 list of old school built-in PC games (Minesweeper, anyone?). Gweedz brought back some old school gaming memories. Our Game of the Week was Rainbow Six Vegas 2 – we were happy that it kept a lot of weapons and fan favorite maps, but added some great new stuff as well. They balanced the game, made it better for Pro competitions. Not much happens on the strip, per se, but levels are great. Destructible cover! Jim said RENT with an option to buy, Nikole said BUY, Gweedz said BUY (noting that it might be too strategic if you’ve never played the R6 series before, so possibly RENT first). Pacmobelia revealed! It was (spoiler alert!) a gumball machine! HorridGlam won a PS2 copy of MLB08 The Show.

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