Greg Benson and Kim Evey of Mediocre Films on Digital Natives

Welcome to Digital Natives: Content Creation’s Front Line where we ask media pioneers how to successfully produce, write and build community in a multi-platform world. This week we are delighted to have TWO of the hottest Digital Luminati in studio, well known Youtube personality and prankster Mr. Greg Benson of Mediocre Films and the lovely Actress/Producer Ms. Kim Evey. Both have been playing in digital content creation since 2006 and we are thrilled to have them.

A Big welcome to the both of you!

So, what were the both of you doing before you got into online video?

You’ve both been in digital video since 2006, how did you come to the digital space?

When did you decide to form Mediocre films?

To Date, Mediocre Films has uplaoaded 255 videos to Youtube, but one of the first was Chinese Chicken Machine show? Where did the seed of this idea come from Kim?

And since we’re really digging into the archives, we can’t not mention Retarded Policeman. I remember being at one of the original Tubefilter start-ups in 2008 and not knowing you, and you specifically asking if people found the content offensive. Which showed great awareness on your part. And yet there was obviously something there for you to explore. What inspired you to create that show and what conversation did you want to explore?

Great, well let’s take a few questions from the LIVE , shall we?

KATIE: Question

And then, there is The Guild! Where did this line-up in your journey Kim? Did you ever think back then, that it would become so huge and such a huge part of your career?

When Kim went to go work on The Guild, did you feel like you lost half of your team, Greg?

Well, and there you have it, there is how this Dynamic Duo of Kim Evey and Greg Benson have become the digital glitterati that they are!

Digital Community Building 101

Let’s take a closer look at Digital Community Building 101, where we take an indepth look at the “Best Practices” of building fans, followers, and community online. We’re joined today by Digital Natives Greg Benson and Kim Evey.

So glad to have you Greg and Kim!

So Greg, you’re currently at over 900,000 subscribers, on your Mediocre Films Youtube channel! That is very impressive! How did you get there?

What is one piece of advice you could give to the creator out there who is coming to the digital world for the first time and in need of direction around the promotion of their show/channel?

Let’s talk about your character of the Old Man. Has he helped in your popularity? Why do you think he is so popular?

Kim, now let’s talk about Geek and Sundry? Can you describe how that evolved? How much attention did you spend on building a strategy for promotion of this new Youtube initiative?

Now, let’s talk about SEO. And of course, we can’t talk SEO with you Kim without talking Two Hot Girls in a Shower! So smart! Thumbnails? Discuss!

KATIE: Question from Social Media!

How did the community start to form around The Guild, Kim?

And finally, do you have a social media strategy? Is there one social media platform that has been more successful for you than others? How often do you post on there?

Greg, one of your more recent successes is Real Life Facebook! Congratulations on that by the way! I hear the 1st guy you punked really stole the show!

How did that video reach 1.9 million views in less than 3 weeks?

And that is how the digital community building gets done.


Welcome to Digital Profiles with Greg Benson and Kim Evey, better known as the Albert Brooks and Anne Bancroft of the Youtube generation. Well, so Greg and Kim, let’s get into your Personal Social Media Approach:

What is the first social media platform you joined and why?

How do you engage in social media, what are some of your personal practices?

If you were shipped off to a desert island and could only use one social media platform to communicate what platform would it be and why?

What is your favorite digital series/online video show other than the one you wrote?

Rapid fire questions:

Cat Videos or Baby Videos?

Twitter or Facebook?

Instagram or Pinterest?

Tumblr or WordPress?

What is your favorite #hashtag?

What is your least favorite #hashtag?

What is the Worst Social Media Pet Peeve of all time?

Favorite Viral Video of all time?

In your opinion, who is the next “big” internet star?

What is one thing that people would never know about even after Googling you on the internet?

If there is one other profession you had to choose besides being a “digital native”, what would that be and why?

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